CD4CD2030... open focus group
Females4Futures team
inSpirit2030... citizen science projects
Developing art_science diplomacy alliances, widening networks, engaging in the development of Circular Economy, and Innovation policies for transformation in the sustainable development process through
Creative economy^Orange economy
(presentation on GSDS summit 2022)
New partnership with METE Onlu associazione Italy; Austrian SDG Award for the Orange Feather Initiative,
Stille Post 25/11x 365 SENAT Wirtschaft Österreich 2022
Orange Feder flights, promotion of the initiative, presentations:
UNECE 14th session meeting team of innovation policy, Geneva CH
Sibenik Dance Festival 25th-30th July 2022, art_science Panel;
11th British Wittgenstein Society Conference "Wittgenstein & AI" London, 31st July 2022; ERASMUS+ projects, IkuBi2030 Sessions with Noah´s Ark Academy students, Heartbell2030...#stayinlove on site of the UNESCO MONDIACULT world conference, educational workshops, art events
Arts_Sciences_Cultural Diplomacy2030
Citizen Science projects
boundary spanning in social sciences and humanities:
linking archives, conducting traces on the pulse of time
research on women in modern dance, in particular on
Ausdruckstanz pioneers from Austria
in partnership with Germany, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Australia
holistic approach and methodology from Gertrud Bodenwieser legacy and her scholars in contemporary dance arts and sciences
art_cultural heritage 4 now & then, in health care settings d.a4h
preventing violence ( HeartBell, Orange Feder art sessions)
cognitive humanities in health&care settings
ArtEdu Science Diplomacy Europe-Africa
Ikubi2030-Sessions in Kenya, Maragoli
environmental humanities e.DNArt
Decade 2020~2030
Let´s brick & Play Well
compliance 2030, intersectional and international educational Sessions, and Business Partnerships for goals 2030-2050 ...
Our projects
Arts_environmental Humanities
cross-sectoral regional and international partnerships worlding 5Ps
Community Health Culture BGF2030
dance meditations in a language play,
museum education, cultural promotion2030
Solidarity projects
in Austria, Kenya, Europe&Global
Education SDG3+4+ UN CRC Art.13:
Arts&Humanities, Art&Health 2020;
Zalike2030: Artistic response to the C-19 crisis;
Women in Peace missions, Women in aviation, transformation and sustainability in the military field, and AG piloting
literarische Bildungsbrücken, Kunst- und Kulturvermittlungsprojekte
Dance arts, multimedia projects:
MythArt.EUROPA Multimedia Projekte:
inTalk Sessions
online talks, interviews, blogs
Media space for dialogues, learning activities, development of perspectives toward Futures of education and life arts at all stages. Humanistic Education 21st ;
Let´s brick!-2050 Sessions with focus groups:
Bildungspartnerschaften NÖ-Kroatien,
M.SCHÖRL envisioning space: humanistic education 21st cent. International cooperations
Projekte zum Europäischen Tag der Sprachen (EDL)
und UNESCO Initiative zur Förderung sprachlicher Vielfalt in Unterricht
Cultural Diplomacy2030:
projects with ACD-Ambassadors in Austria and abroad
Civilian actors for SDGs
*Árvore da Vida2030 Rio de Janeiro: SDG4+15+17 Dance Arts Cultural Diplomacy;
*M4Life: Digital diplomacy for SDG6+15+17 in Egypt and SDG4+SDG15+SDG8 in Kenya;
*Let´s brick! Intercultural bridges and ecology of attention inspired by Art and Architecture of Hundertwasser
in the USA and Japan: SDG4+15+17;
*iCONS2030: work-life balance in Lahore, Pakistan, diversity and new technologies for blind SDG10+4+17 Belgrade, Serbia
* Wheels of Arts: dance arts and tourism in Italy, Albany, USA: SDG4+15+17
*CD-Airshow Tours: SDG5+SDG17+SDG16 in Switzerland, Austria, Italy
*IkuBi2030: intercultural education 2030 in Austria, Swizerland SDG4+SDG15+SDG17 for SDG3
*MittelEuropa: SDG10+SDG11+SDG17 European Day of Languages; Arts, technologies and creative industries
Activities in 2018: European Year of Cultural Heritage:
Hundertwasser`s Kunst im Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs und im Feld der Kulturdiplomatie; Rosa Mayreder Peace Alliance, orange feather greet for the UN Women Orange Days; Let´s brick SDG´s!;
22.Novemeber 2018 ArtImpact 2030-Manifesto
and the Annual General ACD-meeting 2018