ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy
ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
ACD-SDG strategy 2030.pdf
PDF-Dokument [2.7 MB]



 created in 2018 with the aim to shed light on the contribution

from the civilian sector to sustainable development:

art professionals, -educators and -promoters,

art and cultural institutions for 17 SDGs


How can professionals from the art 

engage and contribute to the realization of

Sustainable Development Goals?

How can the impact of art in maintaining the current challenges connected with rising natural disasters and violence among & toward the human world and diverse environments be measured?`


Art as a form of Cultural Diplomacy conducts diverse cultural expressions. 

Art-based mediation opens imaginative and real spaces for dialogues and diverse arenas for barrier-free interaction and collaboration.

As a politically responsive act, artistic expression embodied in dance, various media, and literacy, can reach & touch from a distance,

and affect people, their decisions, and their emotional states. 


One deliberate example of ecologically responsible art practice and activism is given in the heritage of the Austrian-born international artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

Ecology is the touchstone of Hundertwasser's sensitivity to art as a matter of life in sync with the laws of nature. His immense respect for nature aroused in him the desire to protect it against the attacks made on it by man and industry. Hundertwasser began his involvement as an ecological activist with manifestos, essays, and demonstrations, which were later followed by architecture models that he used to illustrate his ideas of afforestation of the roof, tree tenants, and the window right, as well as by architectural shapes, such as eye-slit houses, the high-rise meadow house, the spiral house or the pit house. Next to public tree plantings around the world, he planted over 150,000 trees in his valley in New Zealand with the help of farmers and construction companies, designed post stamps for the United Nations for the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, have initiated and supported efforts to oppose nuclear proliferation among other activist initiatives. In his art, Hundertwasser campaigned for a life in harmony with nature, for an environmentally conscious life, and conveyed the “paths to the development of the creative powers in every human being.”


Applying Hundertwasser´s thought and conviction to ecology, the ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy team has created the ArtImpact2030 initiative to build a sustainable platform for the development of international partnerships and cross-sectoral collaboration on the nexus of arts, sciences, and diplomacy, and to shed light on initiatives and contributions deriving from arts, in the sustainable development process.


Calling upon individuals, communities, institutions, organizations, and all interested to engage in, introduce their good practices, connect, collaborate, and contribute to the common prosperity, ArtImpact2030-Manifesto has been created as a document about a shared commitment to the UN Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs as our common value compass and framework for activities,

following the ethical principles adopted by the UNESCO Declaration, in relation to climate change.


Connecting art practices as a form of cultural diplomacy in the sustainable development process with sciences & new media technologies, ACD-Team aims to provide examples of the impactful contribution of professionals from arts in communication, promotion, and active engagement in sustainable development policy communication. 


How can the impact of art in maintaining the current challenges connected with rising natural disasters and violence among & toward the human world and diverse environments be measured?


Please share Your examples,

our team has collected some relevant examples to inspire, guide

and invite to connect:


ACD-ArtImpact2030-projects and activities 


are starting with examples from the Austrian

cultural history, science, technology, diplomacy,

education and contemporary art.


We aim to provide spaces for encounters and engagement,

learning opportunities on sustainability, exchange, and disseminating best practices within all sectors,

conducting arts, sciences, and diplomacy 2030 ...


including gender approach into all stages of action and activities



engaging in, and contributing to the prevention, mitigation, and end of gender-based violence

and all forms of violence


a peaceful solution is always possible




art-based methods for research and practice: storytelling, fine arts, dance arts, music, mythology inTime



conducting embodied knowledges into shared eco-system

unfolding myths in time 

dancing well  


Árvore da Vida2030


The evident impact of the artistic intervention on environmental protection

is given in the lifelong dedicated engagement of the Austrian-born artist and ecological activist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, who has left impressive and timeless impactful examples on life arts

in sync with nature.


Applying sources grounded in Hundertwasser´s ecological activism to raise critical awareness, but also conducting contemporary artworks for promotion of the scientific developments, methods, and strategies that support Sustainable Development within all sectors, and considering the art as a tool for the promotion of values and attitudes as proclaimed by the United Nations in the Agenda2030, ACD-team has started projects and initiatives with ACD-Ambassadors and partners by connecting arts, sciences, and cultural diplomacy.


 ACD-president has developed educational art projects based on Hundertwasser´s art and ecological thought with ACD-Ambassadors such as Árvore da Vida2030 in Rio de Janeiro, Houses without bordersLet´s Brick!- Austria-JapanArt*Health, projects with  Austrian  Cultural Forums and Austrian libraries abroad, Dance Arts CD projects, ERASMUS+ project activities inspired by Hundertwasser´s art & architecture, among other activities.



In 2020, during the first C-19 lockdown,

we have created online projects to keep connected with our partners, ACD-Ambassadors, and those who are interested to connect, and also to support our solidarity actions and activities, such as IkuBi2030-Children Radio Project in Kenya, Maragoli, C-19 art response: Women.Art.Solidarity and KuBiPa-COOPS for decent work,

virtual inTalk sessions 

and Focusgrouop consultations

  Let´s BrickinTalk Sessions on UNESCO Futures of Education

to co-create learning settings for nowadays and the future. 



from Europe and worldwide


Opera, Ballet, Sustainability 


At the Finnish National Opera and Ballet, responsibility is one of the core values:
financial and artistic responsibility to society, responsibility for
personnel and environmental responsibility are the three key elements of responsible work. 
Responsibility involves continuous development and improvement. 
"We are committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In 2021, we selected five key goals to which the Finnish National Opera and Ballet will particularly contribute: Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption, Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. We consider these goals every time we review our focus areas. They also help us to further develop our sustainability reporting.



The Art of Building Peace: 

exhibitions of the Cypriot-Turkish artists  supporting the Green-Line regulation

Women Art Agenda for peace


Arts_Health by ACD


 The most comprehensive report on the impact of art practices on health and well-being with a focus on European countries has been synthesized in the report of the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2019. 


One deliberate example of the evidence of music as a psychoactive stimulant can be seen in the example of the prima ballerina with Alzheimer, shared by the Spanish organization Música Para Despertar. The Oscar-winning actor Antonio Banderas shared the video entitled "The emotional power of music" 


Art4Health-owned by the WHOs Department of Reproductive Health and Research was launched in 2006 as an innovative advocacy project, using art to increase awareness and promote action to improve reproductive health, especially for women and children, and was hosted by the IAEA in Vienna in 2010.


The effects of the Corona-Virus 

UNICEF provides an online exhibition


Dance arts, public health gender:

 Philippe Talavera, a French immigrant to Namibia with a background in biology and theater, found himself the director of the only full-time traveling dance company in Namibia. Talavera is the founder of Ombetja Yehinga Organisation (OYO), a nonprofit that uses arts, including dance, to raise awareness about important public health and gender-based issues.



Digital cooperation and diplomacy

The Art of learning



Waste Management

by an Art Exhibition in NHM Vienna:

88 Mil.t of food waste Europe-wide. Awareness-raising with evidence.

The keyterm “Ablaufdatum”.

x17 MUSSEN x 17 SDGs of the ICOM Austria initiative  



By interest to be actively engaged in ArtImpact2030- activities,

You will receive one-year ACD-free membership

and the opportunity to create a project which will be supported 

and mentored by the ACD-Team of experts.


ArtImpact-Certificates 2020



Luca Curci, founder of the ITSLIQUID-

a communication platform for contemporary art, design, architecture, and fashion,

for contribution to Peace through the development of international relations within fields of arts and creative industries

Dr. Paolo Petiziol, president of the Mitteleuropa cultural association Udine and ACD- honor President, for his dedicated contribution to the protection of the cultural heritage and cultural diplomacy among central European countries and beyond 


Project led by ACD-Ambassador in the US Ms. Megan Oteri in cooperation with partner institutions and under consultation with ACD-president, inspired by Art and ecological architecture of Hundertwasser
Megan,Houses Without Borders Report.pdf
PDF-Dokument [3.8 MB]


ArtImpact2030-Initiative has been created by ACD-president and launched with a presentation of the ArtImpact2030-Manifesto

within the all day-event in Vienna on November 22nd, 2018, in partnership with the UNESCO, Kunst Haus Wien, Österreichischer Museumsbund, United Nations guide Vienna,

and was fully financed privately by ACD-President.


By signing the ArtI​mpact2030-Manifesto, You will contribute to our capacity building and promotion of the UN SDGs-oriented activities and shared universal values and Goals as spread within the Agenda2030.


It is a free action and goodwill act.


Sign Artimpact2030-Manifesto and set Your priorities, connect&act!

Support any of the ACD-initiatives, introduce Your ideas and projects, became a supporting member and fellow "Sicher 2030", contact our team via email:

ArtImpact2030-manifesto Serbisch.pdf
PDF-Dokument [384.1 KB]




Zivilgesellschaftliche Initiative für die Verwirklichung von Globalen Zielen UN SDGs
mittels Partnerschaften im Feld der Kulturdiplomatie



Im Jahr 2015 wurde die „Agenda 2030“unter dem Titel "Transformation unserer Welt“ beim Gipfeltreffen der Vereinten Nationen (UN) beschlossen. Alle 193 Mitgliedstaaten der UN verpflichten sich, auf die Umsetzung der 17 nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele "Sustainable Development Goals" SDGs auf nationaler, regionaler und internationaler Ebene bis zum Jahr 2030 hinzuarbeiten. Diese Figuration aus 17 Zielen stellt einen universellen Wertekatalog dar, der auf einer gemeinsamen Vision aller Vertretungen aus den Vereinten Nationen beruht, nämlich „einer Welt mit guter Lebensqualität, gesunder Ernährung, der Möglichkeit hochwertiger Bildung, umfassender Gesundheitsversorgung, gleichen Chancen, in der ein gutes Leben für alle Menschen möglich ist und in der die Erhaltung der Natur selbstverständlich ist.“
Durch die Umsetzung der Ziele soll eine nachhaltige Entwicklung auf ökonomischer, sozialer sowie ökologischer Ebene nachhaltig gewährleistet werden.


Die Hochwertige Bildung als eines der 17 globalen Ziele wurde als Ziel Nr.4 (SDG4) im Weltaktionsprogramm der UNESCO, dem „Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development“ wie auf nationaler Ebene in Österreich im Grundsatzerlass „Umweltbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ festgeschrieben und umfasst die Förderung von inklusiver, gleichberechtigter und hochwertiger Bildung und Möglichkeiten lebenslangen Lernens für alle.
Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung fördert Inklusion durch ihre Prinzipien wie Partizipation, Situations- und Handlungsorientierung. Durch den globalen Horizont hat Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung zudem einen engen Bezug zu den Themen Migration und Diversität.

Kulturelle Bildung umfasst sowohl die kreative Entwicklung des Individuums als auch das Verständnis regionaler und internationaler Kunst und Kultur. Nach UNESCO ist die „kulturelle Bildung ein zentraler Bestandteil einer umfassenden Persönlichkeitsbildung und schafft wesentliche Voraussetzungen für eine aktive Teilnahme am kulturellen Leben einer Gesellschaft.“
Das Globale Ziel 17. 17 (Multi-Akteur Partnerschaften) besteht darin, die Bildung wirksamer öffentlicher, öffentlich-privater und zivilgesellschaftlicher Partnerschaften aufbauend auf den Erfahrungen und Mittelbeschaffungsstrategien bestehender Partnerschaften zu unterstützen und zu fördern.

Wie kann die Kunst- und die (interkulturelle) Vermittlung zur Verwirklichung von Globalen Zielen (UN SDG ́s) beitragen? Welche Partnerschaften und Kooperationen können im Feld der Kulturdiplomatie zur Entwicklung eines spartenübergreifenden und internationalen Netzwerks mittels Kunst- und interkultureller Vermittlung initiiert werden? An welche öko-sozialen künstlerischen Ansätze kann im gegenwärtigen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs angeknüpft werden?

Mit diesen Fragen und aus persönlicher Überzeugung von der Wirksamkeit von Kunst- /Kulturvermittlungspraxis für die Bewustseinsbildung im Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs mittels Partnerschaften im Feld der Kulturdiplomatie, wurde im Jahr 2018 die Initiative ArtImpact2030 von ACD- Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Präsidentin Tatjana Christelbauer ins Leben gerufen.

In diesem Rahmen wurde auch das ArtImpact2030-Manifesto kreiert, welches während der Veranstaltung ArtImpact2030 am 22.11.2018 in Wien vollendet und zur weiteren Unterzeichnungen über diese Webseite veröffentlicht wurde.

Das Gesamtwerk des in Wien geborenen internationalen Künstlers Hundertwasser und insbesondere seine Umweltaktionen bilden einen gedanklichen Rahmen für diese Initiative. Hundertwasser gestaltete Original Manifesto-Art-Print u. a. für die Rettung der Meere, gegen die Kernenergie, für den Schutz des Regenwaldes. Seine Umweltposter wurden in hohen Auflagen gedruckt und deren Verkaufserlöse an Umweltinitiativen und Umweltorganisationen gespendet. Die Gestaltung von Umweltposter sowie die Kreationen von Briefmarkenserien für die Vereinten Nationen war Teil seiner Strategie, das Bewusstsein der Menschen für den Umweltschutz und somit die Erhaltung und den Schutz der freien Natur zu aktivieren. Hundertwassers Umweltposter und auch andere Werke sind mehrsprachig beschriftet, die Motive enthalten die Naturlandschaften und Menschen aus diversen Ländern und Kontinenten.


Durch die Sensibilisierung für das Leben in der Harmonie mit der Natur soll auch das Bewusstsein über die Notwendigkeit einer globalen friedlichen Ko-existenz gestärkt werden, die auf der Gleichwürdigkeit und auf der Gleichberechtigung gründet und die Mit- Verantwortung für achtsamen Umgang mit allen Ressourcen mit einschließt.

In Wien, 22.November 2018

Tatjana Christelbauer MA ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Präsidentin


KUNST HAUS WIEN, Hundertwasser Privatstiftung, UNESCO, Museumsverband Österreich, Österreichisches KulturvermittlerInnen Verband, UN Information Service in Vienna, Österreichisch-Südpazifische Gesellschaft, Neuseeland Botschaft Österreich






ArtImpact2030-Manifesto signed by ACD-Team:

ACD-President Tatjana Christelbauer

ACD-Vice President Mag.iur. Erhard Christelbauer

ACD-Honor President Dr.Paolo Petiziol

ACD-Honor Vice President Dr. Anja Fabiani



ArtImpact2030-Manifesto signed by ACD-Ambassadors, ACD-Partners, and Friends:

*Megan Oteri, Founder of Brick Scholars USA/ ACD-Ambassador for ACD-Let´s Brick Plattform

*Antonio Fini, Founder Fini Dance It/USA/ ACD-Ambassador for Dance Arts tours

*Daniela Zeljko, Master graduate at the ICD Berlin/CRO/ACD-Ambassador for Airshow tours

*Lazar Bulatovic RS/ACD-Ambassador for Airshow tours/Translations into Braille

*Milan Simonovic DAR Organisation RS/ACD-Ambassador for Airshow tours

*Radomir Jovanovic RS/ACD-Ambassador for Airshow tours

*Aleksandra Bajde SLO/ACD-Ambassador ArtImpact2030-Manifesto, Art4Health

*Michaela Sehorz AT/ACD-Ambassador ArtImpact2030-Manifesto

*Matic Gajsek SLO/ACD-Ambassador for ArtImpact2030-Manifesto

*Magdalena Friderica Wächter-Stanfel AT/ACD-Ambassador ArtImpact2030-Manifesto

*Dorin Miklaus Municipality Baia Mare Municipality/Ru

* Asya Parveen Mughal ACD- Ambassador for SDG5 in Pakistan, Lahore

* Kei Murauchi ACD-Ambassador for Let's brick Plattform- 2030 in Japan

* Amro Selim, ACD-Ambassador for Media, Director of the Elmoustkabal Media, Egypt

*ADEPS Organization/ Kenya, Afrika

*Kunstschule Liechtenstein

* Giorgia Butera, METE Onlus org./It

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© ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy