ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy
ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy

 PEOPLE 2030 ...

SDG 5 + 10= SDG 16 


Emphasizing the importance of gender perspectives for peace education, peacekeeping &peacebuilding, through a feminist approach within all sectors and fields of action,

concerning the need and urgency at the global scale, to advance all policies and implement rules, adapt laws, and above all enable equal educational and career opportunities for women/girls within all sectors, the ACD team has started educational projects and initiatives, aiming to actively engage and contribute to the improvement of conditions, and opportunities for the gender equality in Austria,

in Europe and globally  


Art-based educational sessions on social roles, lifestyles, media literacy, relational cultures, and Human Rights (with a particular focus on girls/women rights) are organized and provided

in cooperation with ACD- experts from science, media, art education, diplomacy, economy, law, and intercultural education,

with Austrian and international partners,

in a hybrid format.


ACD-F*M-Team organizes inTalk Sessions and educational projects and inTalk sessions on gender roles and stereotypes: ... ManyMe; #sustainableMe 


interplay: feminity*masculinity

Chess&Chat virtual inTalk with international guests


The depiction of women by women (sometimes themselves) as a political statement grows potentially more powerful as it approaches actual exploitation but then, within an ace of it, collapses into ambiguity and confusion.

The more attractive the women, the higher the risk,

since the more closely they approach conventional stereotypes in the first place.”
― J. Ann Tickner



inTalk Sessions und Workshops

 Wut und Zorn bewältigen: Orange Feder Übung

inTalk &Play~Well Sessions

BGF2030: bertrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung2030;

Work~Life Balance;


Yoga, lifestyles, chess&chat



ArtResponse C-19. Solidarity in the time of COVID-19-crisis


Lifearts&styles, yoga, chess&chat

Committed to Ubuntu-Declaration


ACD team & partners are fostering the inner Work for Social Change,

acknowledging that all our commitments made here may not be possible unless we do the inner work required to propel social change. We believe that personal transformation is deeply interwoven with social change, and we commit to an ongoing reflective practice through art-based learning that increases transformative awareness of self and others, as well as of the systems from which complex social problems arise

Following the guidelines of the Feminist Foreign Policy, ACD team encourages cultural diplomacy practice from the feminist perspective, such as it has been recommended in the Report " A Feminist Foreign Policy for the European Union

PDF-Dokument [1.5 MB]



sektorenübergreifende Bildungspartnerschaften, Projekte und Kooperationen:




BGF2030 Art&Health: Sicher2030 




Talk Sessions, ArtVital Workshops



·UN SDG5: 

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,

Reduce inequality within and among countries


Orange Feather Workshops: Wut kochen, Worter backen, inTalk, Ausdruck_Tanz_Sprachen für Jugendliche & Erwachsene

Talk Sessions for learning to practice attentive relations: Gewaltsensibilität, Umgang mit Konflikten, Konfliktprävention; interkulturelle Bildung, mehrsprachige Mediation; WortWahl


Rosa... talks 

* Rosa4Orange: peaceability. Friedfertigkeit und Konfliktsensibilität

° Mädchen- und Frauenspezifische Mode (Gespräche mit österreichischen Designerin Elke Freytag)

·  kritische Auseinandersetzung  mit Geschlechterrollen- und Konzepten



Interkulturelle, mehrsprachige Vermittlung: Zalike2020,2030, ..

 Körperintegrität: Tanz/Yoga Workshops und Gesprächsrunden über Körperkulturen- und  

 Beziehungen, Mindfulness, Resilience

Talks: Migration, Integration, Identitätskonzepte (Gesprächsrunden, Kunstprojekte)


Internationale Projekte:

Generation Equality:(Lesungen, Konferenzbesuche, Vernetzung)

.  Preventing Violence against Women&girls and all forms of violence in close relationships through early gender-sensitive education


1325 - UN Security Council Resolution on Women, Peace, and Security: projects:  ACD- SDG16




Virtual Talk Sessions on  lifestyles, diversity, gender roles, peaceful co-existence, relational cultures, and responsible "self in context"


ACD- Ambassadors for this platform:


1. ACD- Ambassador for Beratung.Training.Coaching: Ms. Ina Biechl

1. ACD- Ambassador for FashionArtEdu: Austrian Fashion Designer Ms. Elke Freytag,

1. ACD- Ambassador for LifeStyle: Austrian/International Actress and Yoga lifestyle practitioner Ms. Natalie Alison

1. ACD- Ambassador for Airshow tours and SDG5 in Pakistan, Ms. Asiya Mughal

2. Alain Dobra Michigan/Fr Modern Dance Arts, Gender and Lifestyles

Initiative for improvement of the UNSCR 1325 through educational sessions and activities for Women to be actively engaged in Peacekeeping missions, conflict mitigation_resolution, violence prevention, and their active involvement in decision-making processes.


Projects  in development: F*Air

 UN*Tragbar: 1325

Rosa M. Peace Alliance1325



ACD – platform LifeArts has been launched for educational purposes, aimed to contribute to the current global endeavors toward the improvement of life conditions by reducing inequalities through quality education which fosters inclusion and equity, promotes diversity-sensitive ethics & compliance with rights and responsibilites, support development of skills and competencies in communication, financial education, new media, and arts, and provide opportunities for engagement in sustainable development process and enable strategic partnerships through international projects. 


Dance workshops, Yoga sessions, and Talk sessions on IR Feminism, fashion, and lifestyles are organized by ACD and partner institutions, ACD- Ambassadors, and guest speakers.



Fashion can be instrumental in shaping the tone and nature of identity, gender roles, relations, and relationships.

It is also an actual vessel of political legitimacy and a unique space for artists, audiences, and other stakeholders in cultural and educational management. In this regard, the ACD Team has developed partnerships with fashion designers and created art-based educational sessions, aimed to provide quality learning by engagement and dialogue with professionals from the field, on lifestyle, the role of fashion in. daily life, and professional career, identity, and its impact on wellbeing, self-esteem, and also challenges connected with judgment of taste, prejudices, and stereotypes, what can lead to misunderstandings, exclusion from social communities and stigmatizing; How can fashion positively influence the social-self and wellbeing, support self-confidence and also open space for finding in common? 


Fashion has symbolic power, in terms of representation. Its exhibition constructs and persuades meaning through presentation. Especially traditional clothes transfer social standards and cultural concepts related to the body, gender, aesthetics, gesture, taste, and cultural roles.

Hence, the symbolic power of „fabrics“ for the development of identity, imposes in some way the specter of the legitimacy of the social order. In its political importance, fashion can raise awareness for diverse nations and cultures, but also for individuals and their contribution to the positive change and prosperity of communities.


Fashion media plays a significant role in providing trends, attitudes, and values.

Fashion shows, fashion magazines, fashion blogs, and all kinds of social media platforms are serving as powerful tools for spreading trends and promoting causes, such as health-oriented behavior, but also for  initiate changes in lifestyles, values, and attitudes, set trends, and contribute to the political changes regarding the position of women in the society, women rights and education for girls, so as provide constructive solutions and models for the development of the wider sense of belonging within a global homeland.

Brands have the potential for economic and educational empowerment of women and girls within developing countries and beyond. Building brand awareness and credibility for traditional crafts and techniques, fabrics, patterns, and design, the fashion industry can support especially female designers, which are the largest group of workers within this industry in developing countries to reach better working and life conditions, better staging of the self within family and society through economical independence and education and train young entrepreneurs across all countries to learn how to connect and to support other projects and initiatives through their engagement.


Cooperation among professionals from creative industries (fashion, media) and those from education, training, and consulting on gender roles and stereotypes, fashion, and lifestyles, sustainable fashion, and resilient body cultures,

will result in the building of synergies to support the young generation in their orientation toward lifestyles and trends, with critical observation, help shape good choices, and make quality decisions.   


ACD-Team invites local, national, and international designers to connect and present their creations and create collaborative projects and partnerships. 


Our current ambassador for Fashion-lifestyles is Austrian fashion designer, Elke Freytag.


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© ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy