ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy
ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy

Skills&Competencies 4now&then...


Creating, widening, and providing opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to tackle climate change and promote sustainable development.

Documents and legacy, on which insights, aims, and values the ACD-activities are orienting:


European Skills Agenda

Action 1: joining the  Pact for Skills
Action 7: Increasing STEM graduates and fostering entrepreneurial and transversal skills, with an inclusive, gender-equity approach (ERASMUS+ projects, females4futures & F*air, KuBiPa - action platforms
Action 8: Skills for life
Tools and initiatives to support people in their lifelong learning pathways:

artImpact2030, People2030 ..., ACD-dance arts, arts4health
Action 9: Initiative on individual learning accounts: AI, digital literacy, cultural diplomacy, global citizenship
Action 12: Improving the enabling framework to unlock Member States’ and private investments in skills: solidarity projects, philanthropic engagement


UNESCO Futures of Education focus group & open sessions: 

Learning to Know, Learning to Do, Learning to Be, Learn to Be With& Learning to Become, while generating ideas, initiating public debates, and inspiring research and action to renew education, grounded on principles of human rights, social justice, the human dignity, and cultural diversity. 


Greening Education partnership

engaging to deliver strong, coordinated, and comprehensive actions that will prepare every learner to acquire the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to tackle climate change and promote sustainable development.


ACD-SDG strategy 2030.pdf
PDF-Dokument [2.7 MB]
Stille Post Human rights decl.pdf
PDF-Dokument [726.0 KB]
Pact for skills signed.pdf
PDF-Dokument [534.1 KB]
three feather manifesto.pdf
PDF-Dokument [11.2 MB]
ACD- 2016-2020
ACD-book of activities, brief introduction, documents and Photodocumentation
ACD-Bericht 16-20.pdf
PDF-Dokument [81.3 MB]
artImpact2030 Manifesto.png
Portable Network Image Format [278.6 KB]
Report UNESCO Futures DEC.2020.pdf
PDF-Dokument [16.3 MB]
ACD-Financial statements 2016-19
ACD-financial statement 2016-21.pdf
PDF-Dokument [6.2 MB]
Datenschutz, Mediennützung
ACD-Media useLetter of agreement .pdf
PDF-Dokument [79.4 KB]
ACD Mitgliedschaft.pdf
PDF-Dokument [131.7 KB]
CD Tours-Botschaftern-ID.pdf
PDF-Dokument [312.7 KB]
ACD partners for the ACD - CD Airshow Tours
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© ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy