ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy
ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy

Cultural Diplomacy2030...

bricks4futures, dots4futures 


UN SDG-oriented activities 

 grounded in our perception of Sustainability as the ability "to love our next"

in thought and action

leaving no damage behind, causing no damage within environments and relations, toward the human world and nature 


United Nations Agenda 2030 with 17 SDGs as a roadmap for peacebuilding:

CSOs +partners 4 now&then


citizen science projects


EuroMED partnerships

open focus groups



Diplomacy on stage events

inTalk sessions

art_science_diplomacy projects


applied arts

applied sciences

conducting diverse situated knowledges

within the shared knowledge-to action eco-system

by engaging, sharing opportunities and response-abilities, unifying resources for our common prosperity

4peace 4people&planet


We believe, that cross-sectoral international educational partnerships SDG4.7+SDG17.17+ SDG 13.3

will result in an impact on the realization of all 17 UN SDGs.

Worlding the 5P´s 


"Stay in Love" M. Schörl


ACD-SDG strategy 2030.pdf
PDF-Dokument [2.7 MB]


Agenda 2030 and 17 SDGs

Spearheaded by the United Nations, through a deliberative process involving its 194 Member States, as well as global civil society, the Resolution on Sustainability is a broader intergovernmental agreement that, while acting as the Post 2015 Development Agenda (successor to the Millennium Development Goals), builds on the Principles agreed upon under Resolution A/RES/66/288, popularly known as

The Future We Want.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), known as the Global Goals,

are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.


These 17 Goals build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals while including new areas such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace, and justice, among other priorities. The goals are interconnected – often the key to success on one will involve tackling issues more commonly associated with another.


The SDGs work in the spirit of partnership and pragmatism to make the right choices now to improve life, sustainably, for future generations. They provide clear guidelines and targets for all countries to adopt by their priorities and the environmental challenges of the world at large.

The SDGs are an inclusive agenda. They tackle the root causes of poverty and unite us together to make a positive change for both people and the planet.


The Global Goals are a matter of all countries, people, and individuals.

The highly developed countries are facing the same challenges as the poorest, just in another dimension. Therefore, one by one and all together, let´s improve practices for a better life in harmony with nature, people, planet 

4 now & then ...

ACD-initiatives and activities to support the realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals SDG´s

ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy president, ACD-Ambassadors and partners have created projects and started initiatives such as

Orange Feather Initiative,

Heaetbell #stayinlove,

 Arts_sciences_CD2030... CD4CD, inSpirit2030, ArtImpact2030, 

solidarity project M4Life Ikubi2030... in Kenya,

Orange economy f4f

"Árvore da Vida2030" in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, "ACD-Orange Feather Day" in Vienna, Pakistan (SDG5), F*Air- Women in aviation - agriculture, environment, and sustainable development, "Rosa Mayreder Peace Alliance" (SDG5+UN SCR1325), Rosa ... NO Prejudices with Austrian fashion designer Elke Freytag  with ACD-Airshow Ambassadors, "ArtImpact 2030" (SDG4, SDG15, SDG4), "Vienna meets ...Diplomacy on Stage" event series (SDG1-17),

"Let´s brick!" Futures of Education focus group sessions, SprachenWeb-Linguistic landscapes (SDG3, SDG4, SDG15, SDG17), ACD-SDG-learning based on IkuBi-2030-learn model, inclusive projects with blind youth dots4futures, dance arts4sdgs projects such

as Zalike, C-19- Women.Art.Solidarity,

Schörl-Truhelka2030: AlpenMythen.Frauen, 

drafted policy recommnedations and artManifests, composed and published Statements to emerging challenges, such as the pandemic C-19, 

developed concepts for cross-sectoral collaboration aimed to endorse economic empowerment and equal payment for women KuBiPa2030-COOPS for decent work among other initiatives, with the aim to support the realization of

the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the promotion of universal values within educational sessions, art projects, conferences, intercultural mediation, and cooperation with actors from the civilian sector, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, governmental institutions, and individual contribution of ACD-Ambassadors. 


ACD-Team initiates projects and cooperations, provides educational materials, and consults on methods and strategies for the development of cross-sectoral partnerships to support the process of social integration and safety, and development of global education through art, ecology, and cultural diplomacy.


Signing petitions and acting locally and globally for SDGs, 4 people&planet, 4 now&then ...

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