UNESCO futures of education report,
ACD-recomendations included:
Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education.
inTalk Sessions with Focus groups on UNESCO Futures of Education-initiative
Let´s Brick!-2030, 2050 ...
Cross-Sectoral Educational Partnerships ~
barrier-free learning opportunities for all
civil society
The humanistic Education 2030 -
learning to be-come 2050
Vote here on the top challenges and purposes in 2050
First inTalk Session on ZOOM with educators from Austria with international participants
in partnership with HundrEd organization and UNESCO
August 26th, 2020 5 pm CEST-5.45pm CEST
All shared documents, projects, media, will be shared on this page for broader dissemination
Share your visions, examples, suggestions, for the Futures of Education:
How can We reinforce the cross-sectoral educational partnerships to improve the learning, working, and living conditions for learners, educators, families?
How can We advance learning and put knowledge in the
service of alternative futures
for humanity and the planet?
Which changes are desired/needed/will be-coming regarding
the content, assessment, use of knowledge, skills?
Further inTalk Sessions with University Students and speakers from Art, Sciences and Academia on the platform