multilingual European and global linguistic landscape in
Arts_Sciences_Diplomacy communication
Linguistic Techonolgies, EU-AI-Act
but not a frivolous one ...
wor(l)ding knowledge landscapes in a linguistic variety
Knowledge circular economy for advancing transcultural dialogue and exchange on practices in sustainable development process among European and global actors in Arts_Sciences_Diplomacy
Science_Web by worlding, link-ing in, connecting epistemologies and perspectives,
by practicing linguistic hospitality
Wissenschaft_Kunst_Diplomatie in Dialog
im Prozess der nachhaltige Entwicklung
translatorische Verknüpfungen
Znanost_Umjetnost_Diplomacija 2030
u Europi i u svjetu
Exploring the importance of translation in science and European and international science diplomacy policy communication in collaboration with libraries, diaspora communities, and international cultural associations, by spotlighting linguistic diversity as one of the most challenging barriers to enhancing equal opportunities, validity, and dialogue.
The concept of trust is grounded in the overall framework as a theoretical lens.
Theoretical framework situates in the domain of translation studies and interpreting and engages with literature in associated areas such as sociology, political science, and humanities to ensure transversal and integrated learning.
The platform for collaboration is envisioned to serve as a space for encounters and the development of Citizen science, ERASMUS+, and related project partnerships
Some projects planned to be brought to realization are briefly introduced on the webpage
Interests in collaboration are welcome: