ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy
ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy


Austrian and international platform for communication, education, action, engagement, project partnerships & collaboration with & 4 blind youth and teachers, researchers, and partners, on the intersection of arts_science_media_sustainable development policy 


Climate goals&acts


Public presentation during the ERASMUS+ project multiplier event on-site & in contribution to the UN Summit of the Future in September 2024


Connect, engage, support: note: dots4futures


related ACD platforms:

Finanz bricks, Play Well, artImpact2030, act4Skills

 Fashion&lifestyles, UNESCO Futures of Education, Spaces Academy



Climate acts

EarWATCH: listening, responding, co-responding

engaging in local/national/international initiatives,

initiating and hosting events, actions, and talks



dots4futures is an innovative learning, action, and communication platform specifically designed for blind and visually impaired youth, teachers, researchers, and strategic project partners from Austria and internationally.


This platform promotes regional, national, and international networking and exchange, and was launched as part of the ERASMUS+ project LeMOON by art_science_policy educator, and project manager Tatjana Christelbauer, President of the ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Association, who collaborated as a project partner from Austria with the Federal Institute for the Blind in Vienna (BBI).
The platform starts with the presentation of developed learning materials on the topic of environmental and community education for sustainable development and creative works created by the students and teachers involved in the project during project-related learning workshops.

These materials offer a comprehensive insight into the creative and educational work within and beyond the project.
A highlight of dots4futures is the first LeMOON Climate BBIennale, which will take place in September as a public event. At this event, blind and visually impaired youth will have the opportunity to engage in dialogue with invited and participating guests from various schools, ministries, museums, and other cultural and social institutions. Participants will present their ideas on climate protection, sustainability goals, and their visions for the future.
The LeMOON Climate BBIennale will be hosted at the Federal Institute for the Blind (BBI) and aims to establish itself as a future event format. It offers a unique opportunity to bring the voices and perspectives of blind and visually impaired youth into the discourse on climate protection and sustainability and to present their creative solutions and visions.

thus represents an important platform that not only promotes exchange and networking but also supports the active engagement and participation of blind and visually impaired youth in socially relevant topics, as well as hosts, initiators, and project leaders.


At the LemOON Klima BBIennale multiplier event 1st part at the Vienna BBI institute which took part on the 8th of Mai as an all-day event with students and teachers,

participants elaborated their ideas for the sustainable development policy recommendations and shared their innovative proposals for the optimization and activities in support of climate mitigation while setting goals and related activities.

A report with more details about the event (in the German language) is available on the Austrian online portal MeinBezirk



ACD-SDG strategy 2030.pdf
PDF-Dokument [2.7 MB]
Stille Post Human rights decl.pdf
PDF-Dokument [726.0 KB]
Pact for skills signed.pdf
PDF-Dokument [534.1 KB]
three feather manifesto.pdf
PDF-Dokument [11.2 MB]
ACD- 2016-2020
ACD-book of activities, brief introduction, documents and Photodocumentation
ACD-Bericht 16-20.pdf
PDF-Dokument [81.3 MB]
artImpact2030 Manifesto.png
Portable Network Image Format [278.6 KB]
Report UNESCO Futures DEC.2020.pdf
PDF-Dokument [16.3 MB]
ACD-Financial statements 2016-19
ACD-financial statement 2016-21.pdf
PDF-Dokument [6.2 MB]
Datenschutz, Mediennützung
ACD-Media useLetter of agreement .pdf
PDF-Dokument [79.4 KB]
ACD Mitgliedschaft.pdf
PDF-Dokument [131.7 KB]
CD Tours-Botschaftern-ID.pdf
PDF-Dokument [312.7 KB]
ACD partners for the ACD - CD Airshow Tours
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© ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy