ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy
ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy


 spiritual practices in dialogue

faith, trust & hope 


art&faith4peace acts

Breath&Fire2030 ...


artistic research-based 

Citizen science projects & artistic collaborations


 applied arts_sciences_diplomacy 2030...


Tanzmeditationen am Pfad der Gleichnisse


The Arts of Feathership 

UN Vienna Orange Feather dance meditation


presentation for the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023


Posing the questions for citizen science projects

and artistic research:


How can contemporary arts & new media technologies engage in spiritual practices within diverse communities? 


What forms, of spiritual practices are nowadays promoted and practiced by individuals and within diverse communities, educational programs, and faith-based communities? 


How is the narrative of sustainability translated into spiritual practices?



dance meditations Tai chi & yoga:

workshops, space installations, inTalks



Reaffirming the fundamental principles of the Declarations adopted at the UNESCO World Conferences on Cultural Policies held in Mexico in 1982 and Stockholm in 1998, as well as their conceptual advances, including the definition of culture as a “set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterize a society or social group, [which] includes not only arts and letters but also modes of life, the fundamental rights of the human being, value systems, traditions and beliefs”, which laid the ground for the development of UNESCO’s normative action, notably the 2001 Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, acknowledging cultural diversity as “a source of exchange, innovation, and creativity, [...] which is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature”;


UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022 (28-30 September 2022, Mexico City) Final Declaration 


Orange sky, captured by T.Chr.

collaborative activities

with policymakers, corporations, governments, military, leaders of NGOs, CSOs, diaspora 


Guiding leadership workshop sessions

'Training for trainers', 'care sessions for caregivers`


art_science-diplomacy productions


Public/virtual events:

diplomacy on stage ^ diplomatski teatar 



performance lectures, promotional design, inTalk sessions



thought experiments 

dance meditations

AI art & talk


"J^sWord Dance meditation on path of parables" Votivchurch Vienna, Tatjana Christelbauer (Featherflight) with Ursula Wagner (Tai Chi sword)


Connect, engage in, and support the research and artistic collaborations:

Note: inSpirit2030 ...

ACD-SDG strategy 2030.pdf
PDF-Dokument [2.7 MB]
Stille Post Human rights decl.pdf
PDF-Dokument [726.0 KB]
Pact for skills signed.pdf
PDF-Dokument [534.1 KB]
three feather manifesto.pdf
PDF-Dokument [11.2 MB]
ACD- 2016-2020
ACD-book of activities, brief introduction, documents and Photodocumentation
ACD-Bericht 16-20.pdf
PDF-Dokument [81.3 MB]
artImpact2030 Manifesto.png
Portable Network Image Format [278.6 KB]
Report UNESCO Futures DEC.2020.pdf
PDF-Dokument [16.3 MB]
ACD-Financial statements 2016-19
ACD-financial statement 2016-21.pdf
PDF-Dokument [6.2 MB]
Datenschutz, Mediennützung
ACD-Media useLetter of agreement .pdf
PDF-Dokument [79.4 KB]
ACD Mitgliedschaft.pdf
PDF-Dokument [131.7 KB]
CD Tours-Botschaftern-ID.pdf
PDF-Dokument [312.7 KB]
ACD partners for the ACD - CD Airshow Tours
Druckversion | Sitemap
© ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy