ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy (Agentur für Kulturdiplomatie) was founded by Tatjana Christelbauer MA and Mag.iur Erhard Christelbauer MBA, LLM
and registered by the Federal Police Office in Vienna Austria on Mai 12th 2016 as a non-profit-cultural association, whose founding members are academic professionals engaged in intercultural education, arts, sciences, cultural diplomacy, legal & compliance.
Guided by their philanthropic aspirations and their commitment to the UN Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs as a shared value compass 4 now&then, ACD's founding team has created space for multilateral local and international collaborations at cross-sectoral and cross-generational scales.
ACD-mission statement
Civilian actors 4SDGs:
committed to the UN Agenda2030 and the Universal Human Rights Declaration,
ACD-Team advocates for and promotes human rights and a sustainable approach to relational cultures in communication and toward the human world and nature with arts as a form of cultural diplomacy at the interface with science and policy.
The multiple focus is given on the Austrian, European, and global impact of activities for implementing sustainable development policies while promoting an inclusive approach within all policies and the 17 UN SDGs, as a connective value compass.
Areas of action: education, international relations, arts&culture, new media technologies, policy, global citizenship
Embedding Multilateralism as a Strategic Principle
Incorporating multilateralism into strategy ensures that global challenges are addressed through collective efforts, making the strategy more effective, sustainable, and inclusive.
It shifts the focus from competition to cooperation, creating a framework where organizations, governments, and CSOs can achieve broader, long-term outcomes such as the SDGs.
Multilateralism fosters global progress, resilience, and transformative change through
partnerships, shared responsibility, and adaptability.
As our strategic principle, multilateralism not only enhances the capacity of the ACD team and our partners to tackle complex global issues but also aligns local actions with global frameworks, ensuring that all stakeholders work toward a common vision.
For a small association with international outreach, multilateralism provides opportunities to amplify its impact on the SDGs by collaborating with larger CSOs and governments: "Connecting capacities 4 the balanced growth and shared prosperity"
Small CSOs can play an essential role in the collective global effort to achieve the SDGs through advocacy, policy engagement, knowledge sharing, and local implementation. By participating in multilateral networks and partnerships, they can bring local perspectives to global discussions, ensuring that the SDGs are truly inclusive and representative of all communities.
Educational sessions, art- and cultural mediation for cultural diplomacy2030... in the practice of CSOs and youth are grounded in the ACD-concept of Cultural Diplomacy2030, while underlining the importance of the inclusive engagement of diverse actors at cross-generational scale, including the gender perspective & (cultural) diversity as the most relevant in the compliance process toward more just and peaceful world & life with & within.
Educational sessions, project partnerships, and platforms for action are created and provided to foster the development of green, transversal skills & competencies through opportunities for engagement and experience-based learning
Engagement with blind and visually impaired youth, teachers, researchers, and project partners: including diverse experiences to monitor climate & causes, spotlighting the social climate at the first stage, and connecting cultures, landscapes, and languages into overall research and practice.
Climate BBI-ennale event in Vienna and further supported through the new platform dots4futures-
AI-Ethics, Digital literacy
Our Team collaborates with international partners and engages with blind and visually impaired students, teachers, and researchers to contribute with experience-based diversity perspectives for the optimization of Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI tools.
Following the guidelines of the EU AI Act and UNESCO recommendations for AI ethics in education, our team organizes, facilitates, and fosters interactive workshops, dialogues, and discussions on AI ethics and aesthetics.
Our motto: #stayinlove while not causing damage toward & within the human world and nature
Our partnerships & collaborations
are established through agreements, ACD-Code of Conduct, Partnership Declarations, a Memorandum of Understanding,
and other documents, composed of partner entities, agreed upon,
and signed by the shared aim and the performance of activities, locations, evolved actors, and their networks.
of our activities is given through voluntary reports written by the ACD president.
Manifests and statements composed by participants in focus groups and international events are published on related ACD media pages and disseminated to wider audiences via ACD social media.
The main objective of the ACD team is to provide platforms for the civilian sector and individuals to engage, connect, and co-create relevant activities in contribution to endeavors of the United Nations, European Union, and governments for SDGs, to promote deliberative cultural democracy and to unify talents and resources, share and create opportunities, and act together and individually with a sense of care, love to our next, compassion, empathy, and solidarity.
The creative ecology approach to relational cultures among humans and environments enables transboundary collaborations on the nexus of arts, sciences, diplomacy policy communication with & within diverse communities, and nourishes the knowledge valorization and knowledge economy that circulates throughout diverse situated practices and forms of expression within the framework of shared values grounded in the UN Agenda 2030 and the 17 UN SDGs.
Conducting arts on the interface with sciences and diplomacy, spanning boundaries, and co-creating spaces for encounters, dialogue, and engagement, connecting civil society, diaspora communities, and youth into science diplomacy policy communication and shaping cultural diplomacy practices with the SDG-compass toward 2030 .... ACD founding team, ambassadors and international partner organizations are actively contributing to the promotion, dissemination, and development of SDG-oriented practices in Austria, and internationally.
Youth voices and their active engagement are encouraged through our regional and international art-based educational projects, participation in ERASMUS+ projects, and collaboration with educational institutions, youth centers, and cultural communities in Austria and internationally, as well as by providing opportunities through Youth Forums to become ACD Ambassador for Youth-action&communication platforms.
Reg. Nr.680217381
PIC Code: 913360731
Member of the Anna Lindh Foundation national network Austria
UNDESA, ECOSOC, Pact for Skills, UNESCO Futures of Education, UNESCO Partnership for Greening Education (21736)
Accredited participants in the UN Summit of the Future in NYC
Since its founding date in 2016, ACD-Team has developed several initiatives, to support the realization of the UN SDGs through art projects, media promotion, and art&science4SDGs based educational projects and strategic partnerships (SDG4+SDG 17) 4&with youth, as well as initiatives and activities for the improvement of the conditions and matters at cross-generational and cross-sectoral scale, such as:
F*Air, CD-Airshow Tours, “Artimpact2030”, inTalk Sessions, Dance Arts&Diplomacy, Arvore da Vida2030, educational projects such as Let´s brick!, IkuBi2030 Children radio project in Kenya, SprachenWeb, C-19 -response -project Women.Art.Solidarity, public events such as Vienna meets … Diplomacy on Stage, online educational format with facilitation of the regional and international open focus groups on UNESCO Futures of Education inTalk Sessions with Focus groups, solidarity project M4life in Maragoli, Kenya, intercultural exchange projects such as Let´s Brick! Austria-Japan, initiatives to support the SDG5+3+ 8 + SDG10 through the development of cross-sectoral partnerships, such as COOPS for decent work KuBiPa2030, Art&Health: BGF2030, with the Austrian SDG Awarded Orange Feather_Stille Post 25/11 x 365 initiative in 2021.
In cooperation with the governmental and non-governmental sector, public sector, private sector, and civil society, the ACD team and its cultural ambassadors are active in the development and exchange of good practices, and promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals (17 SDGs) and the UN Agenda 2030 as a value compass and as the common frame for development of projects and partnerships. The feminist approach may prevent gender blindness and enable understanding of causes connected with diverse forms of gender-based violence, such as structural violence through unequal rights, and opportunities.
Trust in the ability of all humans to act responsibly, practice love to our next, and therefore act carefully, by leaving and causing NO damage toward and within the human world and nature is a precondition for life together in peace. Therefore, our team promotes sustainable cultures in relations and relationships with a term coined from Austrian reform pedagogue Marta Schörl´s humanistic education approach and methodology, guided in her concept of Mitmenschlichkeit (fellowship, guiding leadership) by the thought
"Bleibe in Liebe" and educational practice for life with, within, and
ACD-President provides its members with free consultancy, educational materials, and mentoring.
By the need, ACD-Ambassadors, Members, and Partners are supported by ACD advisory members and experts from ACD partnership organizations and institutions.
ACD-General Assembly takes part in a two years intervals. The event format “Diplomacy on stage” was created by ACD President and includes academic programs with Keynotes and Lightning Talks delivered by ACD Team, Ambassadors, and Guest Speakers from Education, Politics, Art, Creative Industries, Diplomacy, Media, and beyond. Within the Open Space Talk Sessions, Art Program, Culinary Diplomacy Salon, and “Emerging Acts”, participants have the opportunity to exchange their ideas, experiences, and suggestions, co-create and present artworks, draft policy recommendations, and grow their network, under the motto “Connect&Act”.
ACD- public events in Vienna are taking place in collaboration with established institutions such as Vienna Diplomatic Academy, Haus of United Nations, Kunst Haus Wien, and Vienna 3rd District Hall, among other places.
As an international community, ACD organizes online meetings and coordinates events and communication mainly via e-mail, social media pages, via virtual meeting platforms such as ZOOM, and WhatsApp calls.
ACD-is a member of the IG Kultur since 2020
Since 2016, the following initiatives have been created by ACD President and brought to realization by ACD-Members, Ambassadors, Participants, and Supporters:
- Cultural Diplomacy2030 ACD-events, conferences, lectures, and projects with partner organizations and institutions;
arts, sciences, diplomacy policy communication 2030 platform for collaborative research, meetings and education
Orange Feder Iniitative_ Stille Post 25/11 x365: Austrian SDG Award-winning initiative with educational projects and creative promotional design for awareness raising and preventing gender-based violence, hate speech, and all other forms of violence.
- Žalike2030: Frauen.Mythen.Literaturlandschaften
Culture of solidarity in a time of crisis. Artistic response to the COVID-19-crisis, art4health in challenging time workshops and multimedia art project
- EUROPE Air*Stars and F*Air by ACD-Airshow Tours organized travels to international Aero manifestations as a form of cultural exchange, peacebuilding, and cultural diplomacy
- ArtImpact2030-Initiative: introductory workshops on 17 UN SDGs and the link to artistic practices and communication, Talk Sessions and projects starting from the elementary level in education (IkuBi2030, Let's brick!), introductory seminars for teachers, creative workshops for scholars, students, and young social entrepreneurs
- „Orange Feather Greet“ and Rosa ... NO prejudices: art projects, cooperation with designers and other professionals from creative industries focussing on attentive human relations, in particular focusing on (gender-related challenges, such as (in)equality, body integrity, conflict mitigation, and violence prevention)
- Art&Health: BGF2030: practices, research and presentations 4health6wellbeing, atmospheric guide,
inclusive art education, assistive technologies dots4futures
- CD-Careers: COOPS for Decent work, KuBiPa.-initiative, Pact for skills:
cultural diplomacy career development by the motto: “Create your opportunities, connecting Arts, Sciences and Diplomacy”
- the initiative „Vienna meets ... Diplomacy on Stage“ event series for the development of cooperation among civilian society and governmental institutions, local and international professionals from arts & science and international cultural institutes; Mitteleuropa- partnership and cooperation among central European countries;
- ACD-Cross-cultural Culinary bridges (Storytelling activities on cross-cultural culinary ties, receptions;
ACD – SDG-learning 4 Children/Youth: educational projects in cooperation with KulturKontakt agency Austria);
- ACD-Dance Arts platform projects such as Árvore da Vida2030, WienModerndance in cooperation with ACD-Ambassador in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Ms. Andrea Raw
-Wheels of Arts with ACD-Dance arts Ambassador Antonio Fini in Italy, Albany, and the US
ACD has been fully financially founded by ACD-President since its establishment in 2016.
Some ACD projects and meetings which have been supported by the Austrian State Chancellery and Vienna Magistrate MA7 with the grant, include a LOGO of the supporting institution and a written announcement of our gratitude within all written and online documents.
Legal Representative: Tatjana Christelbauer MA
Experiences in CD: work studies, organization of conferences, lectures for the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy icd Berlin on Cultural Diplomacy in the practice of the civil society org., Arts and creative industries,
Cultural diplomacy seminars and events in Vienna,
Creation of projects, documents, and activities of the ACD-team members in the field of education, art, intercultural mediation, consultancy on social integration, and intercultural education at the Lower Austrian Government, Education department 1992-2020; Arts&Sciences performance lectures, fine arts, dance arts, and museum education;
public relations activities include strategic communication with members of the ACD, partners, and institutions, social media promotion of activities by micro-blogging and blog articles, design of promoting and educational materials for project activities, fundraising, report writing, meetings, all-in-kind, in a philanthropic aspiration, by possible capacities.
See more here: and
ACD board Team:
1. Founder, president: Tatjana Christelbauer MA /CRO-AT
2. Co-founder, Vice-president/financials: Mag.iur. Erhard Christelbauer MBA /AT
3. Honor president: Dr.Paolo Petiziol /IT
4. Vice honor president: Dr.Anja Fabiani /SLO
5. 1st financial auditor: Mag.Iris Toto /IT/AL
6. 2nd financial auditor: Egon Biechl /AT
ACD-Advisory Board (Free Membership):
1. Dr.Vladimir Bilandzic /RS/CRO
2. Dot.Edoardo Petiziol /IT
3. Mag. Mira Bayr Varga /AT/RS
ACD European projects (ERASMUS+) members:
1. Bettina Schäfer /AT (ballet for contemporary dancers)
2. Dr. Michael Kimmel/AT (Academic research & somatic practices)
3. Dr. Geraldine Fitoussi-Hoffmann /AT (Physics, space education)
4. Mag Lazar Bulatovic /RS (inclusion, assistive technologies, public speaking for BVI)
5. Mag. Tamara Tomasevic /RS (Psychologist, expert & trainer for Ethics&Integrity, intercultural communication
6. Mag. Andrea Nagl / AT (contemporary dance & environmental education, craniosacral therapy)
7. Mag. Erich Schmid /AT (assistive technologies, cultural mediation 4 blind, musicology)
Current ACD-Members and ACD-Ambassadors from 6 continents in 15 countries:
ACD-ArtImpact2030-Ambassadors (Free membership):
1. Aleksandra Bajde /SLO
2. Michaela Sorhoz /AT/ACD
3. Matic Gajsek /SL
4. Magdalena Friderica Wächter-Stanfel /AT
5. Amro Selim/Egypt
6. Beena Unnikrishnan/India
ACD-Dance Arts Ambassadors (free membership):
1. Andrea Raw/BR
2. Andrea Nagl /AT
3. Antonio Fini /IT
4. Alain Michigan/Fra
ACD-Orange Feather Initiative Ambassadors
3. Tamara Tomasevic / Western Balkan countries, Europe
4. Tea Blace/CRO youth ambassador of the initiative "Narandzasto Pero_isplesi pa reci" Croatia
5. Michael Mao /US
6. Hon. Marina Elena Agüero, Club de Madrid Sec. Gen./international
7. Dr. Peter Haider /AT (UPF Vienna)
8. Hon. amb. Olga Algayerova /SL
9. Matilde Demarchi /IT (Arche danca)
10. Mechthild Geyer /AT
11. Virginie Mecene /US/FR (Martha Graham Contemporary Dance School)
12. Janet Eilber /US (Martha Graham Company artistic director)
13. Asya Parween Mughal /PAK
14. Sameena Mitta /US (ManMoves dance company artistic director)
15. Zvi Gotheiner /US (dance company, artistic director)
ACD-Airshow Ambassadors (first ACD-Ambassadors)
(Free membership by becoming ACD-Airshow Ambassador)
1. Lazar Bulatovic /RS
2. Alisa Kockar/RS
3. Milan Simonovic/RS
4. Radomir Jovanovic/RS
5. Ruzica Rsumovic/RS
6. Nadezda Dinic/RS
7. Aleksandar Vraneseveic/RS
8. Vladimir Tesic/RS
9. Daniela Zeljko /CRO
10. Anna Bozic /CRO
11. Joelize Friedrichs AG Pilot/BR
ACD-Gender&Lifestyle Ambassadors (free membership):
1. Ina Biechl/AT
2. Elke Freytag /AT
3. Natali Alison AT/USA
ACD-Culinary Ambassadors (free membership):
1. Marija Burusic /KRO (Radetzky Rice)
2. Marijana Berlakowich /AT (Fanny Elßler Wine)
ACD-Youth-Cultures Ambassador (free membership)s:
1. Una-Srna Sehic /KRO
2. Nicole Gattermayer AT/CYP
Messenger & youth ambassadors of the "Heartbell2030...#stayinlove" event in contribution to the UNESCO MONDIACULT world conference 2022
1. Miriam Mmbone /KEN
2. Marko Dimitirjevic /At
ACD-Global Education „Let´s brick“ Ambassadors (free membership):
1. Megan Oteri /USA
2. Kei Murauchi/Jp
3. Harumi Murauchi/Jp (Youth Ambassador)
ACD-Wor(l)ding-Music-Ambassadors 2016-2018
Reduced 2-year membership for active contributors to ACD-Events (90 Euro fee)
1. Shiori Hiroguchi/J, Musician (Violine)
2. Ekaterina Timofeeva/RUS, Musician (Violine)
3. Christelbauer Bertin/AT, Musician (Cello)
4. Ehsan Baghaie Heravi /IRN, Musician (Oud, Piano)
ACD-members total: 68
ACD-ambassadors total: 52
Governance2030: Feathership governance
Reaffirming the notion of the former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, "Good governance is ensuring respect for human rights and the rule of law, strengthening democracy, promoting transparency and capacity in public administration"
and considering the critical views on challenges connected with the different dynamics in the communication of standards with and within diverse communities,
ACD team has established its governance system by grounding its relational and communications culture, the performance of activities, and the overall ethical pillars in the Universal Human Rights Declaration and the UN Agenda 2030.
The expression "Feathership governance" designated the composition of rules procedures and practices that relate to the way how decision-making process and leadership are exercised by the ACD team. Each new member, project start, and collaboration is followed by the Feathergreet- ritual which has been created by ACD president as a communicative act performed by engaged actors who are expressing their interests in collaboration, but also their readiness to share responsibility, unify capacities and resources for the common prosperity with greater outreach, disseminate good practices. By sending & receiving feathers, that are universally symbolically crafted with attributes of peace, the ACD team, is welcoming members, partners, and beneficiaries of their activities with a simple gift, whose colors vary but its mission is connected with the same message: connect, move together, breath with, listen, find in common, follow & lead, make the attentive experience memorable and beneficial for further encounters and practices.
ACD coordination- open method