Sustainable use of Water SDG 6
eco-social ArtEdu
Rivers, drops, waves
in mythology, art, sciences
Interkulturelle Brücken
Kulturvermittlung 2030
Unski Smaragdi-a unique ecological movement initiated by journalist Bosko Marjanovic in 1985 in Bihac, Bosnia and Hercegovina, certified by the UNESCO with Global 500.
Art_Ccience #planetarytalks through the lens of the river Una on embodied knowledge by drops of memory.
In 1998 I was appointed by Bosko Marjanovic as Ambassador of Unski Smaragdi for West Europe as a scholar of the first generation that had a great opportunity to learn ecology through art-based scientific lectures and even more, by growing up on the shores of the river Una. What matters the most, is the personal connection, memories, learning to flow within, ´from cradle to cradle´. Sustainable development is a matter of mind and heart.
What science can find, art will express, but humans will see, meet, hear, smell and connect, tell the story, became a part of, and care or destroy, let live or let die. The distinction may be found in the attached emotional bond. An early start makes an impact. Water knows.
Tatjana Christtelbauer
storytelling workshops on rivers in art and life,
River talks
Dunav_Danube quiz, Danube valse,
Danube in science and arts
Shared treasures
Wasser VODA water ... öko-sociale Achtsamkeit
Art_Edu Workshops
"Each Raindrop is a kiss from heaven ..."
Kunstvermittlung, edu-workshop