Hex triplet Safety Orange: #FF7900
16 days of activism_365 days&nights of attention
"Stille Post 25/11x365"
created by ACD-president Tatjana Christelbauer in 2021 as a part of the Orange Feather Initiative, and the art4orangetheworld-initiative, as a contribution to peace education, connected with emerging societal challenges and in the light of the United Nations Women Initiative “Orange the World”, the campaign which was built to launch bold new actions and commitments to end violence against women at the Generation Equality Forum in Mexico and France in 2021.
The 16 days between 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and 10 December, Human Rights Day, are known as the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls and all forms of violence among people around the world.
The color orange symbolizes a brighter future, free of violence. It also serves as a means of demonstrating solidarity in eliminating all forms of violence and it is therefore used as the color of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence.[1]
In 2021, according to the report of the Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser,
31 women have been killed in Austria by a former partner of their husbands.
Domestic violence and femicide are emerging issues worldwide. Aiming to engage in and contribute to the existing local, national, and international projects and initiatives active in preventing, mitigating, and ending gender-based violence and all forms of violence, the ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy team has reached out to connect, as contributors and promoters, boundary spanners and advocates.
About the Stille Post 25/11x365- project and activities
Stille Post- “silent message” in German, is a game popular among children worldwide. The game has educational value as it shows how easily information can become corrupted and misinterpreted, which mostly leads to misunderstanding and conflicts.
Stille Post 25/11x365 is not a game, nor rummor, but a message, reminder, alert, to re-imagine, put hand on heart and feather on the lips before causing damages in relations and relationships.
Stille Post 25/11x365 -project activities have been composed as a bound of art-based educational inTalk sessions & hands-on workshops which can be attended both, virtually and/or in-house, and adapted 4 practice and engagement at the cross-generational and cross-sectoral level.
Orange Feather- image Stille Post 25/11x365 has been created by ACD-president Tatjana Christelbauer within her art_science practices, for promotional purposes, and can be in use as a "messenger image" for diverse forms of communication and devices, such as for stamps (special edition), posters, postcards, bookmark, image for apps-, emoticons, etc...
In this regard, the ACD team invites educational institutions, municipalities, governmental and non-governmental sectors, communities, and individuals to engage in, and connect with the Orange Feather Initiative and the Stille Post 25/11x365 - a promotional initiative in support of their local communities and individuals.
Taking part, engaging in:
Orange Feather- Citizen science projects in collaboration with local/national/international authorities, communities, individuals, and institutions, at a cross-sectoral scale.
Methodology: engaging in_experience-and interaction-based learning, introspective reflection on individual emotional state and ability to manage tensions, anger, and attempt of fury; cross-generational learning to practice meekness, multimedia arts-based methodology, research, and impact evaluation, dissemination of practices, policy recommendations;
relational pedagogy, multilingual settings, eco-social awareness assertive communication practice, constructive dialogues, expression and articulation of feelings, moderation of the volume of the voice, responsive talk; and alert-media promotion for wider dissemination.
Public presentation of the initiative:
ZOOM-meeting on 25. 11. 2021
virtual sessions 17.00-19.00
5 pm-7 pm Vienna time
Art4Orange hybrid exhibitions, representatives from Orange -Initiatives, and supporters from
Austria, Serbia, international
inTalk with ACD-Ambassadors, international partners
and guests
Announcement on the UN #globalweekaction #ACT4SDGs:
Zoom-Meeting Weblink:
Beiträge in deutscher, englischer, serbischer Sprache
^Introduction: "Orange feather Initiative, activities, art4orange" by Tatjana Christelbauer, initiator and ACD-president
^ Zorana Antonijević, PhD
OSCE Mission to Serbia Democratisation Department
National Programme Officer
^Beiträge aus Wien, Österreich:
°Wiener Frauen Hetz presentation by Mechthild Geyer MA, Msc
°Frauen* beraten Frauen* Schriftstück by Dr.in Bettina Zehetner
° Frauen*Solidarität (Videobeitrag)
Körperintegrität, Stoff und Schnitt:
^Gespräch mit österreichischer Modedesignerin und ACD-Botschafterin Elke Freytag;
^Orange Feather Ambassador for SDG5, Asiya Mughal, fashion designer, activist for gender equality, prevention of violence in Pakistan, Lahore
^ACD-Orange Feather Ambassador, actress Ana Sofrenovic/RS: Radioplay "Orange Feder Flug"
streaming on OKTO ommunity TV
(article by online portal Aviatica in the Serbian language)
^Marija Jankovic, photographer /Belgrade, Serbia:
"femicide" project
Nela Antonovic, theater MIMART Belgrade, Serbia
^Tanzkunstschaffende: Übungssequenzen für tägliche Anwendung; Körperintegrität, mental balance
Marietta Kro, dance professional, ACD-Žalike-team
Promotional activities, Orange Feather, Stille Post 25/11- Ambassadors
Lehrstück, Radioplay "Orange Feather Flight"
written by Tatjana Christlebauer, performed by artist and ACD-Orange Feather Ambassador Ms. Ana Sofrenovic while on gyrocopter with a pilot Bosko Todorovic on the private airport 13. Mai, Zemun Polje/RS
inTalk sessions, Workshops, further informations, public events
Workshop Federführung ^dah vremena - introduction of the feathership-activities, arts4SDGs, Stille Post 25/11 in Belgrade /RS September 2021 for. the 20th Anniversary of the European Day of Languages
Orange Feather inTalk -art-edu2030-sessions in Maragoli, Kenya with ACD-partners ADEPS org. and students of the Noah´s Ark Academy
Activities are connected with the thematic frame and scope of the following ACD-action platforms:
WienModernDance, Bodenwieser-Mandukic
Orange Feder4 peace
3-stündige Sessions 4 & mit Kinder, Jugendlichen , Erwachsenen : Seinsräume
State of the Art
For far too many humans around the world, a home is a dangerous place.
For too many women around the world, married or not married, relationships are dangerous and life-threatening.
In 2021, between January and November, 22 women in Austria have been killed by an intimate partner or husband.
A “breakdown” or divorce has been identified by investigations as the main causes. ´Across the WHO European region, 1 in 4 women experience sexual and/or physical violence by an intimate partner.´
The Austrian government, so as the European Union and the United Nations has provided official legal documents, established rules, and implemented policies related to gender issues, spotlighting equality by all means, as declared in the Universal Human Rights Declaration. Furthermore, the rising domestic violence due to the C-19 pandemic in 2020 Europewide and worldwide has been recognized as one of the priority issues within all political agendas. ´All EU Member States have endorsed the main human rights instruments, which oblige them to combat violence against women as a human rights violation, and as a specific gender-related form of violence linked to the discrimination of women. This implies an obligation on the Member States to end impunity and prohibit all violence, to take measures to prevent it, to provide adequate protection to survivors, and to ensure redress. The EU supports increased protection of women through soft law (communications, recommendations etc.), providing guiding principles, exchange of best practices, and capacity building (for example through the Daphne Programme).´
The first legally binding instrument that "creates a comprehensive legal framework and approach to combat violence against women" and is focused on preventing domestic violence, protecting victims and prosecuting accused offenders is the Istanbul Convention, a human rights treaty of the Council of Europe opposing violence against women and domestic violence.
Some decades ago, in 1979 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The United Nations World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna, presented the Vienna Declaration and Programme for Action also called for the appointment of a Special Rapporteur on violence against women and contributed to the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 1993 through resolution 48/104. The Declaration is the first international instrument that solely concerns violence against women. Finally, on 7th February 2000, the United Nations General Assembly adopts Resolution 54/134, officially designating 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and inviting governments, international organizations as well as NGOs to join together and organize activities designed to raise public awareness of the issue every year on that date.
In this regard, the ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy president has created the “Orange Feather” initiative in support of the UN initiative Orange the world in 2017.
Several art-based educational /consulting activities have been organized since then in Austrian in kindergartens to support children and families directly affected by homicide, as well as to support pedagogues by advising them on how to build trust bridges,
but also how to cooperate with local social advisors and police.
The Orange Feather Manifesto has been created as a document in emerging times with the aim to deliver symbolic signs for action, but also to introduce the good practice and open space for collaboration.
Drawing on the fact, that all kinds of human relations and relationships are emotionally led we believe that the prevention of domestic violence and femicide can be supported by art-based cross-generational learning to understand, express, and communicate emotional state, but also to learn about legal rules and human rights starting from kindergarten and elementary education.