ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy
ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy
song challenge Info/ Deutsch
Heartbell2030...stayinlove song challeng[...]
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Heartbell2030 ... #stayinlove Poster action & song challenge




poster action and virtual exhibition with talks by zoom -meeting

on the 25th of September 2022 2.00 -4. 00 pm CET


ZOOM Weblink:


youth voices on 17 UN SDGs & the narrative of Sustainability in the practice of diverse communities


participation in and contribution to the annual celebration of the European Day of Languages,

contribution to the 

Global Week to #Act4SDGs,

contribution with presentations during the 

Youth Voices Feathership2030-session

2. 45 pm -4.30 pm CET Let´s brick 2030 .. parlaMINT 4SDGs

at the all-day event Heartbell2030 ... #stayinlove which takes part on

the 29th of September 2022  

within the frame of the 

UNESCO MONDIACULT world conference on

Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development


For what UN SDG mostly is your heart strongly beating? What challenges in your natural and social environment are „ringing the bell“ to be maintained,
and conditions improved?
How can arts & culture make an impact on changes
 toward common prosperity of the European and global diverse communities?
How can we learn to #stayinlove 4 now&then, learning to prevent violence, practice and promote the culture of peace toward, with, and within the social and natural environment?

Heartbell 2030 ... #stayinlove

 poster action:


Translate the term ´Heartbell´ in the context of action, emotional state, and imaginative attempt by pronouncing the term, 

create a poster with translations in diverse languages, scripts, drawings, make postcards, create a stamp, and share your note on: for what UN SDG mostly is your heart strongly beating?


Create a song, and take part in a song challenge on "Heartbell2030... #stayinlove" 


Compose a rep, classical, traditional, jazz song ... in various languages, mix languages, media, present in a 30 seconds video format or voice message,

extend the text, or create your own:


"see the wars on Earth, fire in the sky,
tears run over my face,
my heartbell rings high , ...
tears run over my face,
my hearbell rings high

on the end:
oh see the feather,
let us fly, ..."

send to

before the 25th of September


All collected works will be promoted ACD- media pages and media channels of all partners,

all contributors will receive the Letter of gratitude and the Certificate of attendance Scholars, Teachers, and families are invited to share their views, concerns, and suggestions for the

improvement of policy and the conditions, share their most important messages on 17 UN SDGs in a written form, 30 seconds video message, or voice message (using assistive technologies for screen readers) before the 25th of September 2022

via e-mail at:

add NoteHeartbell2030 ... #stayinlove- poster action


for schools in Austria: register by OEAD agency for introductory workshops


apply to join, engage in, and contribute 

Register for the UNESCO MONDIACULT world conference 2022



leave no damages behind, for now, and then
acting as response-able individuals and as part of diverse communities, with partners at a local, national, and international cross-sectoral scale, with diverse actors and their networks, ranging from the governmental and non-governmental sector, public sector, private sector, and civil society to individuals 
by creating engaging activities for debates, joint reflections, research, and development of transversal competencies and skills needed to maintain current societal challenges and natural disasters, making the use of the new technological developments and innovations for improving services and communication.

^ The term HeArtBell  (heartbell) term was coined by Tatjana Christelbauer in 2021 for a dance meditation series composed of bodily movement sequences, breathing exercises-ventilations with multilingual phonetical experiences, and language plays with a guide to ethical imagination through thought experiments, 

with the aim to introduce, improve,

disseminate, and further develop 

art-based practices for the prevention of violent behavior, mitigation of depression, social conflicts, and stress,

support local and international endeavors toward the improvement of living conditions and social relations and relationships, for a peaceful world and life within  

ACD-SDG strategy 2030.pdf
PDF-Dokument [2.7 MB]
Stille Post Human rights decl.pdf
PDF-Dokument [726.0 KB]
Pact for skills signed.pdf
PDF-Dokument [534.1 KB]
three feather manifesto.pdf
PDF-Dokument [11.2 MB]
ACD- 2016-2020
ACD-book of activities, brief introduction, documents and Photodocumentation
ACD-Bericht 16-20.pdf
PDF-Dokument [81.3 MB]
artImpact2030 Manifesto.png
Portable Network Image Format [278.6 KB]
Report UNESCO Futures DEC.2020.pdf
PDF-Dokument [16.3 MB]
ACD-Financial statements 2016-19
ACD-financial statement 2016-21.pdf
PDF-Dokument [6.2 MB]
Datenschutz, Mediennützung
ACD-Media useLetter of agreement .pdf
PDF-Dokument [79.4 KB]
ACD Mitgliedschaft.pdf
PDF-Dokument [131.7 KB]
CD Tours-Botschaftern-ID.pdf
PDF-Dokument [312.7 KB]
ACD partners for the ACD - CD Airshow Tours
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