Our aim is to actively contribute to the improvement of relations within diverse structures and within the human world and nature. All ACD-action platforms are listed on the ACD webpage/HOME and briefly introduced.
Each field of action consists of the following activities and components in general: practical research, learning materials, productions, projects, educational sessions, media pages, and other instruments and forms of practice and promoting activities.
Each action platform is represented and supported by ACD- Ambassadors, ACD- team of experts, and partners for the particular field.
In this regard, ACD creates strategic partnerships with individuals, communities, and organizations in Vienna, Austria, and international, to exchange, share, and further develop good practices which will endorse sustainable development policy implementation and support activities that endorse Sustainable Development and achievement of the Global Goals (SDG´s) through, mainly through art-based guidance in education, science, and cultural diplomacy,
Cultural diplomacy requires a variety of skills and competencies, in particular familiarity with the art and science of presentation and representation of values in their specific geo-cultural, geo-political, and within the universal context, so as presentation and exchange of practices in a multicultural environment with actors from various practical and theoretical fields.
ACD activities are implemented and executed by the ACD president.
To achieve a level of cooperation, the ACD team emphasizes complementarity rather than competition in positioning activities on ACD- priority agendas, fairly and equitably among existing actors, promotes cultural diplomacy through its own initiatives, and will actively support other initiatives in the field following the objectives, guiding principles and goals of the
2005UNESCO convention on The protection and promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.
Following projects and initiatives have been started and continuously further developed since our founding day on12th Mai in 2016:
ACD - promotion event, October 13th, 2016 at 7 pm,
(Auftaktveranstaltung) Dr. Karl Boromähuspl.3 Wien 1030, Festsaal der 3. Wiener Bezirksvorstehungsgebäude
Preparatory action for the project "Wheels of Cultures",
ACD -CD Airshowtours: thematic trip to the Airpowershow in Zeltweg, Steiermark
on Sept.3rd 2016 for the first ACD - CD Airshowtours Ambassadors, Students from Belgrade
(see more on page: ACD- CD Tours)
Solidarity action "TanzWirkt!"
for the Vienna community Familienkreis:
kids_kreativer workshop "ZweiDaumenRing"___4charity!
Thursday, September 22th, 4pm-5.30, at the Studio Monika Zörer, Mariahilferstraße 66 Wienna 1070 (see more about:http://www.familienkreis.at/programm-2016/kindergruppe-schule-familie/)
1. European Cultural Diplomacy
Forschung im Bereich der Kunst/Kulturgeschichte;
Interdisziplinäre Projekte;
Europa in Wien: lokale/regionale/internationale Kooperationen, Europäisches Kulturerbe in Bildung, Kunst, Kultur:
"300- years Anniversary: remembering Empress Maria Theresa and her contribution to the development of international relations, trade, diplomacy, art, education and beyond, across Europe":
Storytelling project, workshops
"Perun and Dodola"- multimedia art production, international cooperation, and research: connecting myths, symbols, and rites about powers and energies from nature, across Europe and worldwide (up to 2017)
"Airpower, Air*Dance": research, cooperation, educational exchange, conferences
(up to 2017)
Smiljana Mandukic: KörperSprachen. Internationale Berührungen. Lesungen, Forschungsprojekt: Bodenwieser-Mandukic: Demonen.Maschinen.Spuren (ab 2017)
2. CD- events:
kulturdiplomatische Veranstaltungen: Vienna meets... Diplomacy on Stage
3. Pieces for Peace initiative:
ACD- social media Platform "InternationalDanceMovement" for international exchange and cooperation
Research und kultureller Austausch über historische Entwicklung von international bekannten nationalen Speisen und Produkten, lokalen und regionalen Traditionen, Ritualen, Esskulturen, Kochkünste und Festen im internationalen Kontext; Beiträge werden auf unseren events präsentiert. Unser Motto: Kulinarishce Kulturbrücken, geteilte Geschichten erzielen, internationale Beziehungen stärken, Kooperationen initiieren, aufbauen und entwickeln. ACD- Culinary Storytelling- Postcards werden im Rahmen von ACD- Events präsentiert. Gewählte Sponsoren für Culinary Diplomacy werden sich an unseren Events mit ihren Produkten beteiligen. ("Tastes and Ties" ab Herbst 2016)
5. CD- tours:
CD- Smart Tourism - Smart Travellers and Cultural Exchange Ambassadors: ACD-Wheels of Cultures; ACD- Wheels of DanceArts, business trips, excursions, thematic visits, CD-language workshops to support cultural exchange for the improvement of safety, mobility, and CD- oriented tourism, audience development through cross-borders cooperations among professionals, students, governmental and non-governmental institutions, companies, corporations, and civil society
(up to September 2016: CD- tours project with ACD- CD Tour ambassadors.)
6. CD- Wor(l)ding:
Generationsübergreifende und auf interdisziplinäre Basis kreierte Projekte und Kooperationen mit Bildungsinstitutionen und - Einrichtungen, sowie nach Bedürfnissen und Interessen unserer Mitglieder, Themen- und Aktionsfeld bezogene Bildungseinheiten. Alles nach der Wor(l)ding- Methode von Tatjana Christelbauer, zur Begegnungen mit diversen Sprachen und Kulturen.
ACD- ExpertInnen verwenden eigene Lernmatarialien und Lernprodukte bei Seminaren und Workshops;
Kulturdiplomatische Bildungseinheiten, Workhops und Seminare für Familien, Lehrkräfte, Führungskräfte in Bildungsinstiutionen ab Elementarlevel.
7. LifeArts* NO prejudices No stereotypes
"Ich tüpfe Rosa dahin, wo es mir gefällt ... narrativer Identitätsperformance"
Fashion performances, lectures, workshops and cultural events to thematise gender-related discourses, concepts of diversity, life styles, attitudes, and more
(Up 2017)
8. Shiny Scale:
Kulturdiplomatische Plattform für Expert/innen Netzwerk
9. ACD - CD Award Auszeichnung für besondere Leistungen im Feld der Kulturdiplomatie in coming
10. Kulturwirtschaft und soziales Unternehmerntum
Kreation von neuen Tätigkeitsprofilen und Arbeitsplätzen im breiten Aktionsfeld der Kulturdiplomatie und sozialen Unternehmerntum
Up to 2018
Up to 2019
Árvore da Vida2030
Let´s brick and Play~Well
Up to 2020:
decade vision, mission, activities
Arts4SDGs, dance arts4health_care
"MitSprachen mitsprechen" Workshops zum Europäischen Tag der Sprachen 2016, EU Tag der Sprachen 2017 im Haus der EU Wien
Workshops for students, Youth centres, schools, kindergardens, cultural communities, diverse institutions;
"Let´s brick!" - promoting a culture of bricks to build constructive dialogues, improve multilingual competencies, improve organizational culture and team development, practice creative solutions and creativity, and PLAY WELL. Workshops for educational institutions, corporations, and for all other interested (up to 2017)
"Europe under One Hat": FreundeHut educational project for schools (ab 2017 bei KulturKontakt Austria)
Applications for project development and collaboration, project ideas:
Vienna meets ... https://www.facebook.com/ViennaMeetsLanguagesAndFieldsOfCulturaDiplomacy/?ref=bookmarks
International dance movement (Worldwide CD-network for dance arts): https://www.facebook.com/groups/internationaldancemovement/
Cross - cultural education, Talk sessions: https://www.facebook.com/groups/356040357907904/
Smart Travellers: