Results: Modules & lessons on MOODLE
^ By each Module, ACD-team workshops are to be found at the end of the listed Lessons from all partners
CATALOGUE: ACD-Team lessons & workshops
n° CZ01-KA220-SCH-000034484 - Cooperation Partnerships in School Education
Project Title: Love Earth to the Moon and Back: Development of E-Curriculum on Climate Change and Environmental Education for Secondary Education Students in Online Learning Platform
Project Acronym: Le_MOON
Project Duration: 36 months (01.11.2021 – 01.11.2024 )
Project Aim:
The Le_MOON project aims to innovate environmental education by engaging diverse actors and subjects, by initiating and fostering key competencies and green skills through cross-&interdisciplinary cooperation and joint activities between blind and visually impaired individuals with non-blind youth and teachers.
Environmental practices that do not cause global warming, such as ecotourism-based rural development, organic agriculture,
art, and cultural practices that promote well-being and support the realization of sustainable development goals as a shared value compass are presented during the mobility meetings, and project team meetings in all partner countries are included in the curriculum.
The inclusion approach expands learning and action perspectives, enabling diverse access to knowledge acquisition, and opportunities to actively engage in project activities and contribute to developing further joint opportunities and career perspectives, as well as enhance the dissemination and continuation of good practices.
Art-based methods, assistive technologies, and an international, multilingual environment provide diverse experiential insights and opportunities.
Innovative aspects:
Education through experience, participation, cooperation, and engagement, with diverse methods and within various spaces, across generations and disciplines, multilingual and inclusive, offers multiple opportunities for adolescents as well as for teaching staff to think and shape knowledge acquisition and transfer individually and collectively in an innovative and perspective-oriented manner.
The project partner consortium developed the project idea out of shared interests in the topic, and their desire to actively participate in the current sustainable development process, and contribute with innovative ideas and good practices in the education sector.
Project Partners
Tauferova střední odborná škola veterinární Kroměříž Czech Republic- Kroměříž
1. Manısa Celal Bayar Unıversıty Turkey Manisa
2. Manisa İl Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü Turkey Manisa
3. Vytauto Dıdzıojo Unıversıtetas Lithuania Kaunas
4. ACD - Agency for Cultural Diplomacy (Agentur für Kulturdiplomatie) Austria Wien in partnership with BBI Wien
5. Instytut Rozwoju Sportu I Edukacjı Poland Warszawa
6. Móðurmál - samtök um tvítyngi Iceland Reykjavík
7. Lycée Louis Jouvet de Taverny France Taverny
The Austrian association ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy was jointly commissioned with its partner, the Federal Institute for the Blind BBI,
for the inclusion approach and art mediation methods, in the project.
Since the start of the project, the target groups have been actively involved or were already actively involved in the development of this project idea. Active engagement from all participants enables diverse access to the project topic with multiple perspectives. During mobility trips, team meetings, hybrid events, virtual sessions, workshops on-site, and regular communication via social media apps, emails, and Zoom meetings, ideas are implemented, feedback is exchanged, and activities are documented and disseminated via social media channels and webpages of all project partners.
Inclusion approach in the project: 1,2,3, ... alle sind dabei!
blind and visually impaired youth work on equal terms with non-blind and visually impaired youth without special emphasis on disability and inclusion, create their contributions to the project together, and exchange and contribute with their diverse experiences, talents, and ideas, as well as widen their experiences and knowledge in digital literacy with AI-tools and assistive technologies.
Guided by UNESCO's Education for Sustainable Development, Hundertwasser's environmental art and activism, crafted with insights grounded in diverse educational concepts, scientific theories, &methods for
Inquiry-based learning with an inclusive, gender-equality approach that endorses diversity awareness and fosters equal opportunities to engage, participate, and collaborate in activities provided by experts in the fields, but also co-created and led by students
on the intersection of arts_sciences_sustainable development policy.
A combination of methods for learning_teaching_applying knowledge in actions- ranges from moderated and facilitated dialogues to dance arts, music, role plays, storytelling, thought experiments, ethical dilemmas, AI tools for creative design, and development of surveys and quizzes,...
Each of the 6 Modules created for the e-curriculum includes guiding insights and case studies from the practice and theory of the ACD association and the ACD-concept 4 Cultural Diplomacy for Sustainable Development in the practice of Civil Society and Youth.
Global citizenship is encouraged through a comprehensive entry to sustainable development with an ethical approach while thinking sustainability through the prism of the International Human Rights Declaration and engaging in dialogues with a deliberative democracy approach as learned in collaboration with the Stanford University Deliberation Platform.
ACD-contribution (as announced in the project application):
-Hosting the third transnational project meeting
-Attending online/face-to-face meetings and LTT activities, being actively involved in project activities with an inclusive approach
-Within the Project Campaign ( 1,5 ), organizing the first online workshop: InTalkSessions on Environmental Issues (2022-02)
-Transcribing the e-curriculum and several materials into the Braille script, introducing & implementing assistive technology tools
-Helping with collecting environment-friendly artistic and cultural activities in an e-book (as extracurricular activities and including it in the teachers' module; policies in environmental education
-Helping with supplying policy recommendations for culturally specific translation and localization of the activities.
-Conducting the social media accounts – promoting the dissemination activities on social media (Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube)
-Organising a multiplier event
How will we make it?
Inquiry-based learning with art-based methodology for system thinking-competencies, ethical reasoning, assertive communication, new media and technologies in assistance, STEAM-ing, greening education, learning and teaching practices, mindset and acts
with ACD-Team of Experts;
Engaging in Sustainable Development and policy learning with ethics and Cultural Diplomacy on the intersection of arts_sciences_sustainable development policy;
improving digital literacy & competencies in digital citizenship, including assistive technologies into learning toolkits and activities in collaboration with blind & visually impaired students,
greening with #orangetheworld, connecting policies, people & practices with & 4youth...
developing skills and competencies 4 now&then
celebrating together European language diversity while participating and engaging as initiators in the Annual celebration of the European Day of Languages connected with the UN-SDG action week, widening strategic partnerships at the local/national and international scale, for further implementation of the project results and for further opportunities to extend good practices and collaborations.
ACD Team
Tatjana Christelbauer MA: ACD-President&Founder, project manager, art profesisonal, art_science-policy CD-educator;
Dr. Geraldine Fitoussi-Hoffmann: physician, Kari Film, ACD ParlaMint SpacesAcademy member);
Lazar Bulatovic MA: ACD Ambassador for educational projects with blind, expert for Braille script & assistive technologies
Mag. Tamara Tomasevic
ACD Ambassador, expert for Ethics&Integrity, Intercultural education
BBI Wien- beneficiary partner in the project:
Mag. Erich Schmid: former teacher at the BBI institute, expert in assistive technologies, vice president of the Austrian Federal Union of Blind
Carla Laszakowits: dipl. pedagogue, English teacher at the BBI Institute
Focus group student participants BBI Institute Vienna;
Members of the ACD-Dance team for the temporary contribution:
Mag. Andrea Nagl: professional contemporary dance artist and dance teacher, craniosacral therapist, ACD Ambassador for dance arts in sustainable development
Elke Freytag: Austrian fashion designer, ACD Ambassador for fashion&lifestyles
Dr. Nathalie Tassotti: Mathematician, Ballet teacher
ACD Team contribution, key terms:
#creative ecology, #ethicalreasoning, #semiotic, #greenskills #transversalcompetencies, #planetary thinking #art&health, #resilience, #policylearning #culturaldiplomacy #dancearts #finearts #newmedia #europeandayoflanguages #sustainability, #narrativearchitectures, #Friedensreich Hundertwasser
#space education, #globalcitizenship #humanrightseducation
AI -acts: "Truth, Trust & Hope" with Deliberation platform, Stanford University inTalk virtual sessions
The virtual inTalk Sessions on Space education will be hosted by ACD-ParlaMINT-Spaces Academy & the Team
1st & 2nd part Project Multiplier event 8th of Mai & 19th of September 2024:
Die grüne Wende_Aussichten 2030:
LeMOON Klima BBIennale
at the Vienna Institute for blind BBI & KunstHausWien,
excursion to Hundertwasser´´s Ship Rainyday in Tulln a.d. Donau Lower Austria
LTT, team meeting, first multiplier event in Plock/Poland
April 7th-12th 2024
Transnational Project Meeting in Vienna
27th - 30th November 2023
ERASMUS+ project LeMOON teams from 6 partner countries have been hosted by ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy & our partner, Bundes-Blindeninstitute
Vienna for the transnational project meeting.
Inspired by the visionary art of Friedensreich Hundertwasser, guided by
UN Sustainable Development Agenda and the 17 SDGs, we learned from the experiences of the blind students and teachers, have explored assistive technologies, braiding the orange tides
while engaging in the UN Women's 16 Days of Activism
This week we #unite our knowledge resources for creating and developing sustainable solutions for the current global challenges
Thank You, until the next!
Let´s braid & #orangetheworld activities short video
Impressions from France, Taverny, Paris
Mobility project meeting
What it takes to produce a prototype, practice Cultural Diplomacy youth, create posters with assistive AI tools & ethical guidelines, create a
youth_health tool package, print 3-D objects, use Laser cuter & art for presentations & address current challenges connected with relational violence, humanitarian disasters, introduce
proposals for possible improvement of conditions, jump the rope_raise the hope ...
Our blind students have shed light on some more diverse tools for learning & communication, presentations, and visits to
Some impressions from our ERASMUS+ project LeMOON Mobility
Mercí for excellent hosting, organised meeting activities & the Hackathon to our French partners in Taverny &to 'll participating, highly engaged
The next meeting will be in Vienna, we are looking forward to welcoming our partners from 6 countries and continuing steAming together with our high school
students on sustainable solutions for now & then ...
Quality Management project team meeting, workshops, and presentations
Vytauto Dıdzıojo Unıversıtetas Lithuania Kaunas
November 2022